Thursday, October 12, 2006


I feel a bit crappy now. My two siblings and I are being quite unlucky with our careers. I'm currently stuck in a job that I'm not happy with, but I'm tolerating since it pays decently enough and allows me to take leave when I want to. And it isn't so easy for me to find a new job that I really want.

My older sister just resigned from the job that I thought she was really happy with. But things didn't work out and now she's looking for a new one. Lucky for her, her track record is already quite solid. She's been having back-to-back interviews. It's just a matter of getting the one she really wants.

My younger sister, well, I feel bad. The job that she started a few months back, that made her work till the wee hours in the morning and shook up my parents' errand and sleeping schedules, is leaving her in an awkward situation. And I knew she enjoyed it, and it seemed quite promising for her talents. With her job experience still limited, I pray her talents and the prestige of that company would lead her to a job that is more rightfully hers.

And neither of them is interested in joining me here. I've always hoped that one of them would, to make it more emotionally stable for me.

I don't know how all of us could be unlucky in our careers simultaneously.

But on the other hand, we're lucky that's all where our lack of luck lies. And we still have each for support, for prayers, for strength.


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