Monday, June 26, 2006

Thank You

For the past months maybe I've sounded ungrateful or dissatisfied to the friends I've turned to, during my personal crisis. Not ungrateful to them. Ungrateful in general. But I'm not. I was -- am -- just emotionally unstable now. But it doesn't mean I do not see the good things that surround me. So for this entry, allow me thank for several things:

1. I am thankful to God. No matter what. I trust You, Lord.

2. I am thankful for being here. Even if the past months have been emotionally taxing for me, I could still look back and believe that everything has happened for a reason. I am thankful for all the opportunities that came my way even if sometimes I feel I didn't deserve them.

3. I am thankful for my family and friends who were there for me through thick and thin. Because of them I remain strong (or so I think). That in the worst case scenario I can just choose to fly home and I know my family and friend would welcome me back with open arms.

4. I am thankful that my future is somewhat brighter than if I didn't take this opportunity.

5. I am thankful that I have more than one option right now. And I would just be fine.

6. I am thankful that I still have other things that I am looking forward to. There's life outside work indeed.

Thank you.

Thank you.


At 5:56 PM, Blogger joyce said...

All of your life crisis is triggered by one person. I just couldn't imagine how you can tolerate such situation for such a long time. I would actually expect myself or any other person to have this reaction: Get rid of her! But that's the devil talking. Hehe.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger mush said...

There was a time last year that I was in a personal crisis, although not exactly same situation. What I learned from that experience is that everything happens for a reason. The good things would not be possible if it weren't for the bad things that happened before it.

So just pray and hope for the best to eventually happen.=)

At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! »


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