Sunday, April 16, 2006

so this is how it is

The last few weeks have been hell.

Maybe the next ones would be too.

It's tough being faced with a situation wherein your decision could be life-altering. It doesn't even compare to the point almost two years ago when I decided to come here to work. Because in that case the opportunity was offered to me in what seemed like a silver platter. All I had to do was say yes or no. Obviously it was the former and here I am.

Now it's not a simple yes or no anymore. There are so much factors involved that one day you're confident about what actions you should take then doubt it another day.

I can't blame it all on the biyatch who triggered all this. I guess there are the likes of her everywhere. It's just those obstacles I need to learn how to handle. And a time to assess if I am satisfied with what I am doing. To see if it's all worth it.

I know I'm being evasive. Hopefully in the next weeks it would all clear up and could write all about it.


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