Friday, March 03, 2006

looking forward to the weekend (or not?)

I don't know why I end up bumming half the time when it comes to Fridays. Somehow I run out of things to do during office hours or I'm just too lazy to work with the weekend so nearby.

I do look forward to the weekend. Meet up with friends, relax, go on with my marathons of the various series.

I also decided to give this guy a chance by agreeing to watch a movie with him. After a few months of texting me now and again, I realized the most I can give him is a chance. He doesn't give me much of an impression. He doesn't interest me. He has poor texting presence. The only time he redeemed himself was when he sent me flowers unexpectedly.

And he picked such a bad time to ask me out for a movie. No good movie is out. If there are, I've watched them. So I shortlisted the films until I decided on Pink Panther. And it doesn't even appeal to me. I do hope he pays for me. If it were some guy I was interested in, I wouldn't mind watching an action or gory movie. But now I'm stuck with a movie and a guy I'm not toally into.

So why did I decide to agree to go watch with him? Maybe it's one of those what ifs I want to get rid of. Who knows right? Maybe he has more to offer than we he lets on. Maybe I intimidate him hence the weird text messages?

He's lousy when it comes to asking a girl out though.

Advice for single guys out there: when you ask a girl out for a movie. Suggest a particular movie. But tell her you're open to watching something else she wants. Suggest the day and time. Don't leave all the decisions to the girl! The girl wants to be pampered a bit. Make her feel special that you're going the extra mile to make it a bit more special for her.

Got it?


At 6:20 PM, Blogger Maniniyut said...

yes maam. class is in session. i'm taking notes... ;)

At 9:10 PM, Blogger joyce said...


At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Adult Diapers said...

This is a good common sense Blog. Very helpful to one who is just finding the resources about this part. It will certainly help educate me.


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