Tuesday, March 28, 2006

four months to go

With March coming to a close, I can't help but realize that I have four months left before my original contract expires. If they follow the trend with the previous girls who are in the same program as I am, they will have me renew my contract. But as of now, I'm expecting they aren't. And I don't even know if I WANT to renew.

I've been deliberating for the past weeks if staying would be what I really want. A friend of mine told me that people who work overseas tend to underestimate the importance of work satisfaction. Monetary compensation isn't good enough. Why force yourself to do something for the pay right? When emotionally you're not completely happy.

Four months can be short or long, depends on how you see it or depends on what is in store for me during this time. But I'll just keep my eyes and ears open. And yes, I'll follow my heart and mind. I know I want to stay here in Singapore a bit longer. It's just a matter of what I really want to do here.


At 9:48 AM, Blogger Lesley Ardelle said...

Why wouldn't they want to renew your contract? :P Of course they would want to!

Don't leave yet, I might study there next year. NUS. Hehehe. I hope. :)


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