Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy 2nd Anniversary to Me!

Today marks my second anniversary in this company. So two days ago was my second anniversary in Singapore.

Indeed it has been a love-hate relationship.

But I've survived it. So far.

It has been an emotional rollercoaster. Maybe it's one of those things that you're waiting to get out of, but in the future you'll look back at it and say to yourself, "That wasn't so bad. I think I'm glad I decided to jump into the opportunity."

So how was my anniversary celebration today? The office devil had my head for lunch, haha. As well as the landscape consultant's and the main contractor's, but I was able to recover myself during lunch, blowing off some steam. And she (the devil) was fine again after lunch. I don't think my relationship with her is love-hate... more of indifference-hate. No wonder she's a spinster.... hahaa. I'm so mean.

But going back... cheers to me! Hope the coming year wouldn't be as emotionally taxing...


At 3:37 PM, Blogger joyce said...

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At 3:43 PM, Blogger joyce said...

Hahahahaha! I'm now imagining a She-devil in a black mini-skirt, red top, black stockings and pointy 4" high heeled shoesies. Sounds like Ally McBeal? Hehehe.

I hope I won't be as bitch as that when I become a boss someday. More than that, let's hope that we will not end up spinsters too.

Why does bachelor sound so positive and spinster so negative? Isn't that unfair?


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