Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Thought for the Day

When I was a kid I would watch these beauty pageants and game shows and a common prize would be "a years' supply of so-and-so." Innocent as I was (hehe, yep, you better believe I used to be innocent!) I was imagining truckloads of toothpaste, cornflakes, and what not being delivered to your home.

But geez, I realized that it takes around three months for one person to finish the biggest tube of toothpaste. So that makes a year's supply -- uh -- four tubes?

And as for cornflakes. Okay, how to they gauge a year's worth? (Okay, I don't know where I got the cornflakes idea... prolly from some Nikelodeon show). I can personally finish a box in less than a week. But then, of course I would be sick of it after a few months right? So they could have considered this and just quanitified it for only to the period of time a person isn't sick of it yet.

Hmm.... food for thought huh? ;)


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Lesley Ardelle said...

yeah, before I thought na you get like one box a day...tsk tsk. i wonder how many they *do* give...


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