Sunday, August 21, 2005

religion issues

After our office dragon boating training yesterday morning (which rocked by the way!) I met up with some friends to help with our friend who's getting married next year (Okay, so some of you may know her, but I might as well TRY to be anonymous about it hahaha)

Anyways, it was fun bonding over bridal magazines. It's almost every single girl's deam right?

But it isn't simple as it is. Unfortunately for my friend, there are some conflict in the religion issue. An age old problem I know but it sucks if you were caught in it.

My mom has always warned me (well, warn is a strong word -- more of reminded me) that whoever I date should be catholic. Well, I haven't really dated enough men to have a sample of various religions. I've only dated on who wasn't Catholic, and I don't even think it was technically a date.

But during mass this morning, I was thinking: Who am I to make sure that whoever I date should be Catholic when I am not exactly the most faithful person? Yes, I don't miss Sunday mass. I try to be good, but of course that is hard to do. I don't always listen to the priest's sermon. I am not always honest. I could be selfish.

I think I've been side-tracked lately. I should try to find some enlightenment.


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