Wednesday, April 13, 2005

all about a skirt

Our company had our annual dinner & dance last December 4. It was held in Malacca, Malaysia. We therefore had a Batik and Kebaya Night and to stick to the theme, I bought a batik skirt which I made sure I'd be able to wear again. It's a black wrap skirt with a floral print of pink, white, mustard yellow and green.

I was looking through my cabinet and drawers yesterday and I felt like wearing something different, tired of wearing the same old stuff. So today I wore it to work. And at least two people have noticed it and funny no one noticed it when I wore it to the dinner & dance. I guess since everyone else was wearing batik that evening. Or maybe they know my wardrobe too well that something different would be easily recognized.

Like yesterday, I wore a top for the first time to work -- a sequined top that my sister gave me for Christmas. I was talking to our technical girl -- the irritating b**** behind me, and while I was consulting with her she was just staring at my top. If she were a man I would have thought she was looking at my you-know-what. Hahahha.

I guess I've forgotten how fun it is to dress up or to wear new stuff. As a shopper, I've always stuck to the generic plain clothes that I would wear over and over again. Maybe my wardrobe needs some sprucing up, in a practical way.

And to emphasize my point here, results of a Tickle test agreed with me:

Risha, you're ready for a Fashion Makeover

It's not that you don't have a great wardrobe. But do you ever feel like your wardrobe hasn't changed in say, oh, a millennium? Sure you might be a master of ignoring the frayed edges, holes in hidden places, and elastic that barely holds anything in place. But isn't it time to get with the program?

You may call yourself quirky and frugal, but my friend, it's time to splurge a little on yourself. What have you got that you really can't live without? Even if those wide wale cords come back into fashion, do you really want them to? Take a deep breath, and let go of what you no longer need. Buy a couple of new fashion essentials that you've been eyeing. Then realize this: the body you wear is almost more important than the clothes that hang off of it.

Spend some time making a stronger fashion statement from the inside out. Sometimes the quickest way to look fresh and styled is to take better care of yourself.


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