Friday, April 08, 2005

hey, it's me

A few months back someone greeted me for a certain occasion -- I don't really remember; it could have been Valentines, Easter or something else -- and added a "don't ever change".

Sensitive as I am, I paused to think if I did change over the past months. I truly hope for the better if I did change. I know I've become more independent, more confident in some aspects, wilder in a sense (re: taking more risks), and hopefully more mature. I also wondered why that person mentioned it in the first place. Did he/she sense a start of a change? Should I be more aware of how I act?

I hope I won't change into someone I would hate. I am aware of my many weaknesses and negative characteristics. If I'm conscious about them, I try to change those. But sometimes by subconsciousness prevails.

But nevertheless I hope I'll remain real, true, and improve wherever I can.


At 7:58 PM, Blogger Lesley Ardelle said...

I think people who change for the better change twice as much than people who take a turn for the worse...the effort is greater, and it's harder to admit your mistakes...ive been thinking of the same thing rin recently...and though Ive realized that Ive become awful a few times in the past, at least now i have the hindsight to really avoid that. i think it's unavoidable to *not* change for the worse at one point in our lives...but the thing is, we all have a chance to correct that. :)


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