Friday, April 01, 2005

aging too soon

I bet my housemates think I'm such a bore, spending most of my free time in my apartment, or rather my room. And I usually turn them down when they invite me to go out with them. (I don't want to make a career out of being a third wheel!) I usually prefer going straight back to the apartment after work, do my ritual workout and bath, then chill with a good TV show, a good book, a movie or playing poker in my laptop.

Weekends aren't different as I usually choose to just go out one day and stay back on the other to do my chores, cook, or do the same stuff I do weeknights. Somehow I feel the weekend is longer that way. No bus rides to speed up time. So the weekend won't be over too soon.

And going out too much is tiring, as I experienced it last week. And it just gave me a hangover during the rest of the week. So I do sometimes (or even frequently) filter the gimiks I go out to. So yes, hi, I may be the oldest twenty-three-year-old girl you may know.


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