Tuesday, May 10, 2005

House Rules

Just to share a message my boss sent out to everyone yesterday. I posted a few comments in bold blue.

Dear Staff,

Of late, I have observed certain bad habits creeping back into the office practice during working hours. Whilst the Management allows certain latitude and flexibilty in our day to day operations on the basis that all of us are mature enough to put in a good day's work, we will not hesitate to take action against any staff members who are persistently recalcitrant in flouting the basic ground rules. I swear there's something about Singaporeans and highfalutin words. But suck in grammer (tenses et al; e.g. I did used the pen.)

To re-iterate, the following bad practices are NOT ALLOWED:

01) Surfing and down loading from the internet at any time for non work related matters (okay, okay, I'm guilty on this account. I can't help it. I do have to check my email and have chikka on most of the time. I have the disadvantage of not being able to text my family and friends easily like everyone else here -- the locals of course)

02) Constant chatting on the handphone on non work related matters (no problem with me there. I have no text-chat mates here. loser.)

03) Coming into the office late for work without a valid reason. If it is raining, we understand as there are no covered public linkways to Gateway West (ha! I've never been late to work. me, miss "early bird" awardee for two consecutive years? :P )

04) Coming into the office late from lunch. Again, if it is raining during lunch, we understand as there are no covered public linkways to Gateway West (the latest i've been back was half an hour, after i came from an audition. but no one caught me then. and, ash always sees me having my lunch in the pantry.)

05) Prompting with one another through the Apex system (our internal network). If you need to coordinate work immediately, just sit down and discuss with each other and settle the work related business (this is quite weird. going from one place to another takes time. and at least with the apex system the person reads it at their own time. so what's the diff?)

06) Personalised music at a level a tad too loud that it distracts and affects your neighbouring colleagues' work performance (I always have my earphones plugged in. So maybe I'll go deaf but at least I ain't distractign anyone)

07) Doing overtime for work that typically can be done within the normal office hours. Overtime is strictly for urgent and/or additional work that has to be executed in a constrained time frame (Ha! I'm the last person violating this, since I'm one of the first architects to leave the office. At least after reading this I feel better about not staying late usually unlike some people. Overtime is a bad bad habit! No to cramming!)

Thank you for your co-operation.


Okay, so the verdict is that I violate 1.5 out of the 7. I'm no model employee but the ratio is not bad right? Two of my seatmates, according to them, violate half of it, hehe. I guess most of the people violate the one about coming to work late and all that.


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