Sunday, July 24, 2005

Blogging Early in the Morning

It's past 2am in the morning. And I'm not sleepy yet.

Things truly happen without you expecting them. It's like in your monotonous life there are these crazy instances that stand out.

Today was one of those.

And to think all I had planned originally today was to go to a UP Alumni event for the afternoon then spend the evening here in my room, staring again at my laptop.

But boy, did things turn out unexpectedly.

First, in relation to what I wrote in my previous post, I met with one of the lady's of the dating service. For a second really I thought of signing up. I was thinking that I could earn back the money I'd be spending. That I could actually meet the ONE in one of the dates during the year. The lady said that she wouldn't have a problem finding me someone. Of course they wouldn't marry me off but they just aim to open possibilities for me. (But of course I knew it was all sales talk) But during our conversation, I was kind of thinking of bringing the concept to the Philippines. Whajjatink? I think many Filipinos and Filipinas are modern enough to embark on this. But as the friendly lady said, they ahd to go through training, psychology courses in the US, etc. (If you're interested check out; it has branches in the US and all. It's a franchise. Will expand to Malaysia and Japan soon. I asked them if they were interested in opening in the Philippines, they said not in the near, near future.)

So there. I didn't sign up. Don't worry. I wouldn't want to part with that much money just to meet people. I realized the dating service is for people with no time but with too much money.

But it was an interesting experience.

I then spent a few hours after that shopping a bit, buying something for my friend, and have lunch on my own (boohoo).

The UP Alumni event was at two so I met some friends at the MRT station. The event was called "Barrio Fiesta" where supposedly all the food were Filipino, teach the kids Filipino games (but no kids came so it was just us adults playing jackstones and pusoy dos) I was able to talk to several people who are quite interesting. People I've met before but never really got to talk to. They're quite a good lot.

So anyways, the event was just supposed to run till seven. But we stayed beyond that. At nine majority left but some of us still stayed back. A few guys were talking real estate but the rest were just playing pusoy dos. Including me. But we were included in the conversation once in a while.

Anyways, there's this guy. His name is Howie (or Howard). If you're into those buffed Mr. Universe type maybe you'd find him cute. I'm not into those guys vain with their bodies so he wasn't my type. So anyways he was drinking some alcohol but he was still talking coherently.

So here's the thing. He's married. Which is nothing to me cuz he's not my type. Seriously. By eleven he offered to drive me back to my place. I guess it was pretty stupid of me not to read anything into it. (even after the instances I thought he was hitting on me. But I thought he as just kidding. Stupid eh?) I was thinking he knew I knew he was married since he was announcing it to us left in the UP event. I was thinking my place is just a five-minute drive from where the UP event was held (it's depressing riding the bus that late) and we're co-members. So no harm right? (If you really think I was stupid to go along you don't have to say it.)

But no. Once I plugged in my seatbelt of his BMW (yep, he's loaded) he said, "Okay, we're meeting some basketball buddies of mine in River Valley."

I was like "uh-oh". (Don't worry. I'll beat you to the ending. He didn't rape me, haha. But just read on.)

So he did drive me to River Valley (which is closer to his place than to mine, which I pointed out to him to tell him that my place was out of the way so he might as well drive me back. But he insisted. Okay, okay, I'll try to be stern next time. And yes, I hope there won't be a next time. But I guess part of me wanted to do something crazy or fun for the evening.)

But his basketball friends were sweet guys. Pretty great to talk to. Most in their late twenties or early thirties. I was the baby in the group but it was interesting talking to them nonetheless. Under a different circumstance I think I would have exchanged contact info with them. But I guess they were wondering what I was doing there with Howie in his tipsy status. They did guess that Howie and I didn't know each other much. But they were gentlemen. There were a couple other girls. Nice too. Bless them that they didn't seem to be criticizing me.

There was one particular guy who I found cute though. He's from UP too, apparently. The other two guys in the group were cousins of his. Nice guys too. But this guy has been here for ten years now (so shows you he's in his ealry thirties, but he looks around late twenties). He's sweet. Howie was still offering to drive me home but Bom (the cute sweet guy) was making it seem like he was the one bringing me home (although I thought we had an understanding somehow that it was just for show for Howie's sake so he would give up on me)

So it did work. Howie drove off first. When it was my turn to get a cab, Bom offered to really take me back. But that was very impractical since my place was out of the way. I was feeling pretty foolish too at that point. I was just "darn it, darn it; wish I met you in a different setting".

So no exchange of numbers.

But he knows where I work. Someone in his condo is from the UP alumni too and that girl can contact me.

So he has his media. I'm just hoping he's interested. But maybe not. I guess the impression I gave out was a bit conflicting. I just tried to talk to them intellectually. Trying to brush away any possible negative impression of me.

So there.

As I type it now while the events are still fresh in my mind. I could look it one way and think, "What the hell was I thinking?" But in another way, I'm thinking, "Wow, I unexpectedly met interesting guys". I didn't exchange digits with them. I guess it was somehow awkward to bring it up. But at least it showed me that I could actually meet guys on my own. Potential guys. I don't need a dating agency. And gys in their early thirties aren't so bad after all. So I've realized that I've expanded my target male population, haha.

There are potentially good guys out there for me to meet.

Now if only that cute, sweet guy is interested...


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