Tuesday, July 19, 2005

circle of friends.

It's nice to know that in just a few days you could make really good friends. I'm thankful to my sister for coming to visit me and having me meet her friends. I know I'm not the main reason for her visit (knowing her, haha) but nevertheless I'm glad to have tagged along. Even if my main purpose was just to be with my sister I gained friends as well.

A shopping and food trip, it definitely was. But I was able to bond with them in just four to five days. Even yesterday when my sister has gone home to Manila I met up with her friends for dinner. That I made sure of because it has happened before that once the common friend wasn't around I would lose touch with the other.

As I was telling them Singapore has become a living friendster for me. Friends of friends become your friends. Acquaintances become your best friends. Nothing like being stuck in a different country to bond.

Maybe I could have also made the same number of friends if I stayed to work in Manila but I'm assuming the range would have been less interesting. That's certainly one of the things I'm very thankful for as a result of my working overseas. And aside from that I've bonded with old friends through technology, which I doubt would have been as strong if I were home.

So... cheers to my friends!


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