Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I was in the office pantry while my boss was speaking to a group of people -- architects and draftsmen, concerning one project they're working on. Apparently, my boss found the pace of the project pretty slow and according to him he doesn't see some of them after our 6:15pm cut-off. So now he's somehow requiring all of them to do overtime work for the coming weeks.

Maybe I'm guilty in that account because I hardly stay after office hours. I find it a very bad habit. But I find it unfair for my boss to impose such standards. As one guy was saying, he knows he did his part. Isn't that what matters? I think it goes to good leadership. The one handling the project should be able to delineating tasks practically, managing time well. My theory is that if you manage your time well, you wouldn't have to do overtime work at all. I only do overtime work when I really have to, but so far they're just due to bad time management of my colleagues, that it ends up pulling me too.

Maybe Singaporeans have a different culture or way of thinking.

Or maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm not a good team-player after all.


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