Friday, November 18, 2005

i'm forgettable

I've experienced quite a number all times already wherein I remember meeting someone but they don't remember meeting me. Has happened again last night. I've met this couple a few months ago. If I'm not mistaken the guy remembers me, or he saounded like it last night. But the girl when we were saying our goodbyes, she said, "Nice to meet you."

Either I have a better memory than they do or I am just very forgettable.Which is fine with me, because there are times that I want to keep a low profile. But I hope that when it matters people would remember me. Maybe I should work on being more amiable or something. But then again, why shouldn't I be happy just being myself? Their loss they can't remember me. Hmph.


At 4:45 PM, Blogger Lesley Ardelle said...

You? Forgettable?? Nye, no way, Rish! They probably have really awful memories. Your looks are so distinctive kaya. :p

Don't worry...we remember you. Hehe. :)


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