Monday, January 16, 2006

allow me to gripe

I was quite frustrated with my girl flatmate yesterday.

She was acting so childish and it was pissing me off.

I quite was glad she was out most of the morning, becuase of some church activities. But once she came back, she was irking me on and on.

I guess I can blame it on the newly installed cable television. Since there are more shows to watch now, I spend more time out in the living area, instead of being a hermit in my room.

So anyways, I was happy enough watching a Filipino show. (nothing like being an OFW to appreciate Filipino channels -- a slice of home hehe... but mind you, technically I'm not considered as an OFW by the Philippine government as I'm already a permanent resident here)

Then I suddenly heard her screaming and crying loudly in her room. Our other flatmate and her fiance, was in her room with her. Flashbacks of the other years passed my mind --- memories of them fighting, screaming at each other -- so I thought it was back to those days again.

So I shut out her sobs while I watched my show. Then the guy came out of the room and called me. He asked me if I can help. I was thinking, "Oh shit, now they want to bring me into this?"

Then I saw her lying on her bed crying.

And you know what was making her cry? A minute wound on her eyelid. So okay, it was bleeding a bit. My bruise last December was a hundred times bigger than that, with blood that seeped through my jeans. And I never cried. More of cursed for my being a klutz.

I tried to console her, telling her that ice was all she needed. (When my brain was screaming 'You dragged me out for this???')

So there, I left them after a while then returned to the living area.

An hour or so later they both come out. Everything was okay already I think. Then they prepared their dinner. They ate in front of the television. Then she started making comments about the Filipino actors and being sarcastic saying, "Ey, we're now part of being TFC subscribers!"

What's with all the comments? I was already shutting her voice out as I continued watching. What do I care what she thinks? First thing, it was only her fiance and I who wanted the friggin channel. We told her she didn't have to chip in for it. But she said, she might as well. Then now she makes comments?

Geez, a year or two more of bearing this.


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