Monday, January 09, 2006

The Businesswoman in Me

I blame it on growing up with parents who didn't have the usual 9 to 5 jobs. I treasured that they were always there, not having to wait till the evening to see them. Their careers were their kids, us, and their sidelines were the small businesses that they had.

And somehow I picked up from my dad the business-mindedness. As early as gradeschool I was selling different stuff to my classmates -- chocolates, cards, perfumes... anythign worth selling. There are even some stuff I would rather not mention. Hahaha.

My ultimate goal for myself is to free myself from the 9 to 5 (in our case, 8 to 6, or 8 to whatever) career life and have the flexible time to tend to things that matter more -- family, friends, myself.

This I'll work on.


At 9:18 PM, Blogger joyce said...

mag insurance ka! hahahahaha!


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