Thursday, January 05, 2006

and to top it off...

Mmy colleague (superior to me) had me write an email to the authorities. Okay, fine, I've done that before. So okay. As if I had a choice.

Then just now, I guess after she read what I sent, she told me that next time I send an email out to the authorities, I should send her a draft first. She was polite about it, unlike her usual scolding ways, but nevertheless I felt bad. I haven't been doing anything right these past few days. Sigh.

I just have these tendencies sometimes that I feel like I'm worthless. I guess I'm being too hard on myself. I guess everyone makes mistakes. But my friend/ colleague once said that the company should be lucky to have all of us who are in the same program (There are six of us now. Should have been seven but she left after a couple of years. ). There's actually another Filipino in the office, a few months so far. But supposedly ten years of experience but he's been fouling up since he started. I don't know how or what. But his superior keeps on scolding and screaming at him. I really feel for him. I haven't been screamed at (just an almost-scream hehe) but as my friend/colleague said, the office must be seeing the difference between him and us who are part of the program, since SUPPOSEDLY we are one or two of the better ones of the graduating batch. Which maybe true. Maybe. We're pretty fast learners I guess.

But sometimes I wonder, am I really qualified? There are still so much stuff that I haven't picked up yet. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a glorified secretary. I am, anyways, just an architectural assistant. But as my boss told me, forget that title. We're all equal, according to him. Yeah, right.

I just hope this is just some quarter-life crisis thingie.


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