Thursday, November 24, 2005

far from being gilmore girls

I was chatting with a friend last night, and I was telling her about my mom's reaction regarding the guy who's been texting me and sent me flowers. She was quite surprised that I could talk to my mom about such things.

I was also quite surprised that I told my mom. I was a bit hesitant texting her when I got the flowers. But it was okay. She even had funny advice like "Don't be too harsh on him," and "If you don't like him just bring the flowers to church," haha.

My mom and I are far from being the Gilmore Girls. I think I gave her hell during my high school days when I mislead them on who I was going out with and where etc. There is a lot they don't know about the things I did during high school. And as for college, she had no idea that I was dating this guy and so and so was courting me, etc.

As I told my friend, if I were in Manila now I wouldn't be that open to her. There's something about being away from home that I actually take the initiative to tell them what's up with me. Funny how things turned out. But it doesn't mean that I tell them anything. They don't know about the guy I see once in a while for a "platonic" date, and they don't know bout my experiences of married men hitting on me and my stalker-turned-client from my condominium block. Hahaha.

But yeah, maybe it's a step forward that I'm beginning to be more open to her. Maybe I'm becoming more mature huh? And that they trust me more now. :)


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