Monday, January 24, 2005

Long Weekend

We just had a three-day weekend. What a big difference one less working day makes. FYI, last Friday was Hari Raya Haji. Apparently it celebrates the incident with Abraham and Isaac and the offering of the ram. I'm no Bible expert. But basically that's what the Muslims are celebrating.

Good thing Ingrid and Marnie thought of going to JB (Johor Bahru, Malaysia) Friday. If not, I would have just gone to the mall again. I'mgetting tired of the malls here already. They could be quite convenient but a diversion is great.

So what's in JB? Another mall. Hahhaha. I guess the idea that you can find something cheaper is greater. Pizza Hut and other fastfood chains are cheaper too (and cheaper as in half the price). We ate at this Portuguese Chicken place that had yummy chicken and yummy egg tarts. I was such a pig, hehe.

I wasn't able to buy any clothing item (since I compared everything to Philippine prices, knowing I'll be going home). So I ended up just buying pasalubong stuff -- food items I've bought in Malacca that my family liked. I tell you, my luggage will be filled with food items, except for some clothes for my nephew Lio. That kid is finishing up my money :P I've been controlling myself from buying every cute polo that's on sale.

So that's my first JB trip. It was fine. Will come back again since it's very easy to go. Just the hassle of going through immigration and all. But at least it's more stamps in my passport ;)

And yes, I spent Saturday and Sunday in the mall. Saturday in Suntec since I wanted to check the sales. But I ended up just buying more pasalubong and nothing for myself. Same for Sunday. Spent it again in Orchard since I had to go to the embassy for my exit pass.

Today Architect Recto visited us. Tisha was in a meeting so it was only three of us -- Ingrid, Charles and I -- who were able to meet him. A bit awkward, actually. We invited him for dinner but thankfully he had other appointments. And at least I was able to see him now so I would have to visit him when I go home.

I can't believe it's just 12 days till I'll be home again! I really think it's best for me to go home. And I heard there's Bird's Flu in Bangkok. And I heard Tish and Ingrid are really set on spending more than intended for the trip cause of the bonus. So good thing again. So I'll make the most of the short vacation. It will come really quick since I still have errands to do -- pasalubongs to buy, some Chinese New Year get-togethers, and last minute work for the Canyon Woods design. And hopefully I'll be able to get home early from work everyday since working overtime definitely lengthens the week. Which reminds me, I'll be cheating next week. Although I've gone to the embassy I'll be taking time off one afternoon to be able to get home early, supposedly to go to the embassy ;)

Woohoo! There's no place like home!


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