Friday, September 09, 2005

maybe i'm getting used to it

It's already the 9th day of September. I remember last year once it hit September I already started downloading Christmas songs to listen to during work. But now, I think I'm too lazy to bring my CD of Christmas songs to upload into my office PC. At the rate I'm going it would be October or November till I do that.

So maybe I don't get that homesick anymore. It was my mom's birthday on the 29th last month, my sister's birthday on the 1st of September, and my brother's on the 7th. I did call them up, cried a bit, but I didn't mope. My dad said it was during family gatherings that they miss me the most.

Maybe I just deal with it by hardening my heart a bit. I convince myself that I'm not missing too much, that I would have been useless if I were there anyway.

The only first-degree aunt I have who spent years in the US (where she met her husband and had her first child) told me that I would enjoy the indepence and freedom of working abroad. Maybe... maybe.

Before I know it I would be flying home for my Christmas break. And those three weeks of vacation will be over before I know it. But I know that the coming months bring promise. Sometimes it's really exciting, thinking what the future has in store for you. I'm sure it won't go the way I'm envisioning it to be. But at least there would always be something to look forward to, ya know?


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