Monday, September 12, 2005


During this weekend I realized how two guys could be opposites of each other.

GUY #1. One of the guys texted me last week. His girlfriend was in town with her parents. He said we should all meet up for drinks Friday night. But come Friday night my cough got worse during a dinner held by one of our contractors, so I texted him letting him know I lost my voice, and wouldn't be able to meet up with them. He called me up (not paying attention to my message! I told him I had NO VOICE!) So I had to explain to him. He joked, calling me a "Lola" (grandmother). Even if it was just a joke, I don't think it was funny. I can't believe I had a crush on him before. He could be quite a jerk. I should stay clear from guys who try to pressure you into these things. They're no-good guys. I don't want constant drinkers.

GUY #2. The other guy, I met for dinner Saturday evening. He really bores me so I don't know why I still agree to meet up with him occasionally. I guess I'm that bored with life hehe. As I told my friends, he's too polite that he emails me to ask me if he can text me, then he texts me to ask if he can call me. No wonder he's single at his age! But he's a true gentleman. But again, he's too boring. And he's a mama's boy. No thank you.

Two guys -- my cousin, and a friend -- have told me that I shouldn't set my standards too high. The other guy said that I would be choosy now but when I turn thirty I would just grab whoever I see. Well I hope I don't have to wait that long. I don't think my standards are that high. Maybe I get turned off too easily. But I was thinking if I like the guy enough I'll overlook his faults. And as I read once, the girl's opinion was that it's better to set your standards high because you have more chances of ending up with someone that you want. But if you lower yoru standards, you rule out guys who you think is too good for you that you spoil that chance. Makes sense right?

So many people are telling me I don't go out enough to meet new people. The bar isn't the place where I want to meet people. I want to meet them at dinenr parties of common friends, activities, etc. But not the bar, please, unless like me he was just dragged by a friend. It should be him who's a constant clubbing person. Again, no thank you.

But my colleague who's three years older than me (who's getting married next month to a guy she met online three years ago) assured me that I'm still young. I should enjoy being single. She told me she missed that portion of her life. I guess there really are perks for being single.

So till then, I'll try to live my life to the fullest!


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