Friday, October 14, 2005

am i a bore?

Maybe I am.

Two people have kiddingly told me that I'm "baduy" (corny) or a "lola" (grandma) since they have a hard time inviting me out for drinks or what not. I don't know if I should take the saying, "Jokes are half meant" seriously. But I couldn't help but wonder.

In fairness, the guy called me "lola" when I backed out from meeting them when I lost my voice. So I had a valid reason. Maybe he's just being a jerk.

The second guy was telling me I should join them in their drinking sessions when I fly home Christmas. I told him I wouldn't be drinking much so he called me "baduy".

Maybe these are just people who have poor sense of humor or are just jerks, and aren't really my type of friends.

That's another matter. Many of my friends are into a lifestyle which isn't what I am into. I don't want to force myself to join them just to be able to "catch up" with them. Maybe it won't be worth it.

Drunken conversations do not build lasting relationships. Talks over dinner or coffee are.

Unless someone proves me otherwise.


At 9:47 AM, Blogger Madridista Mac said...

Hey there.... you are NOT baduy or lola. If people dismiss you as such - forget 'em!

They're not worth it... AT ALL.

Like I always say, if you're in an island of 100 people, 99 of whom are shit eaters, not being a shit eater doesn't make you the freak.

wag na sila.

At 12:17 PM, Blogger Lesley Ardelle said...

Haha. You can't imagine how many times I've heard those phrases said to me back in college. I didn't go out much, and when I did, I had to go home early (I leave just when the party starts. haha).

Now that I've been out alot for the past few weeks...let me just tell you that if you aren't out with your good, good friends, then it isn't really worth it.

I only go out when I know that I'm comfortable with the people who are there. Some of them call me baduy, but at least I know them well enough to know that it's just a term of endearment. Hahaha.

Don't let them get to you...they have illusions that their lifestyles are "cool" or not "baduy" compared to yours, but they have such a shallow basis of it. :)


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